Alpha Series – Flanger Facers

The Sygma™ Alpha Series are robust, reliable, high-precision and multi-functional flange facing machines that every on-site machining service provider must have! The alpha series are available in both ID and OD mounted configurations for all types of flange machining, ring type joint (RTJ) machining, sealing grooves, weld preparation, double drilling and repair of heat exchanger gasket surfaces without any difficulty.  

The Alpha Series are available in different interchangeable drive configurations allowing you to tackle any on-site challenge.

Our unique and signature modular design also allows you to quickly and easily convert your Alpha-I series for all your orbital milling applications with our Legacy Milling unit.  

Do our standard configurations not meet your requirements or do you wish some customisation? Then do not hesitate to contact the Wanawake sales team or representative to discuss the possibilities.